This is the story of my run at the Plastic Surgery Fellowship Match of 2005.


Thursday, March 17, 2005


Last weekend I also went to Indiana. The night before we had a reception at Dr. Coleman's house. His wife made the food and I must say, as a cook, it was excellent. The crab cakes were remarkable. I always appreciate it when someone opens a home to me.

The interview was held in a building which also houses the Museum of Sports. The museum has the largest collection of sports art. One painting that I thought was neat was this one by Muhamad Ali:

The Indiana campus is absolutely huge. I went on a tour and got a lot of pictures.

This next one was part of the Children's Hospital. I thought it was a neat idea to have an enclosed courtyard.

At the end of the tour we passed by the medical library. There was a painting on the wall that some people thought looked just slightly like me -