Catching Up - Vanderbilt
Before I get too deep into catching up, be sure to go to google to get your gmail accounts. They offer 1 gigabyte email accounts. Hotmail currently is 250 mb.
I have a lot of catching up to do. I will go in reverse chronological order. I will start with Vanderbilt.
I flew out of Indianapolis to Nashville. My first plane hit a goose when it was flying in and it wrecked the radar equipment. While I was waiting for the airline to repair the plane, my good friend from the LA area sat down next to me. We spent some time talking about various programs and some of the more humorous applicants. After a little bit guess who sat down right next to us -
He was wearing all this crazy hunting gear and had a goofy hat. I whispered to my friend - 'hey do you know who that guy in the goofy hat is?' He didn't. I said 'Ted Nugent.' My friend was like 'who is that?' Apparently no one else knew either, because no one approached him for an autograph or even talked to him, but there was absolutely no doubt who it was. He was flying to Detroit, dressed in militia inspired hunting gear, and he was reading a Guns and Ammo magazine.
I was supposed to leave at 9:00 AM. By 1:00 PM here was the scene -
I could see them out there smoking cigarettes and not fixing the plane. I went up to the counter and got switched to some different flights. I finally got into Nashville at like 6:00 PM.
I went down to the Vanderbilt area to find the parking garage and something to eat. Vanderbilt is in a nice college-town type neighborhood.
I couldn't get many pictures of the campus but I did get a few.
The next day I went to the interview and saw another of my good friends from Alabama. We got to sit on the famous blue couch!
I wonder how it will look in future years. I think it is starting to get a little age on it.
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