3 pieces of News
1) I got a letter from the CAS announcing what we all knew - that 3 programs have dropped out of the match. UCSF, UMDNJ and CC-Florida. It also said that those programs are responsible for refunding the $25 and gave contact numbers. They can keep my $25.
2) I got an offer from U Tenn Memphis today. The other one I got earliers was UT Memphis Chat division. I'm not sure what to do.
3) Definately one of the most hilarious moments of the match so far:
I got a rejection letter from Pitt that was meant for someone else!!! It had his name on it and everything.
This reminds me of when I was applying for medical school. I got a rejection letter from University of Washington saying how they had carefully read my application and had considered its strongpoints blah blah blah. The funny thing is, I never applied there. Go figure.
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