I called the CAS service today just to be sure that my letter requesting an application got through. It did and Perrine (the coordinator) sent out a letter saying that the application wouldn't be out until July. The August 1st deadline still applies, but your application doesn't necessarily have to be totally complete by that date. They just have to have your basic info and the programs you want to apply to and a check for X amount of money. The letters, transcripts etc. can trickle in as they may. Speaking of transcripts, here are some important details:
To get a transcript from Northwestern
Here is how to request the USMLE steps 1 and 2 transcripts:
How do I request that a transcript of my USMLE scores be sent to a third party other than a medical licensing authority if I have not yet registered for or taken Step 3?
Students or graduates of US and Canadian medical schools must send a written request to the NBME at the following address:
PO Box 48014
Newark, NJ 07101-4814
Include your name, social security number, USMLE Identification Number (if known), date of birth, your current address, and a telephone number. The fee for these documents is $50.00 for up to five transcripts, and $5.00 for each additional one, requested at the same time. Please specify exactly how many transcripts you are requesting. If no specification is made, only one transcript will be provided. Make your check or money order payable to the National Board of Medical Examiners; be sure to include it with your written request.