I have three weeks of night float left. It will be nice to get back to the sunlit world. At this point I am completely transparent like one of those fishes that lives at the bottom of the ocean next to volcanos. If I go outside I have to wear dark sunglasses.
All of that being said, life is GOOOOOOOD. At Chairman's rounds last week our chairman handed out a paper describing Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. I remembered this pyramid from Anthropology class in college. I am feeling very self actualized right now. There is only one other time in my life when I have felt even close to this good. That was right after I started medical school at Northwestern.
I can't wait to start training at Louisville. It will be the farthest south and east I have ever lived. I can't wait to see a new part of the country. Every time I have moved it has been a great thing for me. Moving to Chicago was perhaps the biggest change. I grew up in a small town in Iowa and moving to Chicago was like being born to the world. I learned to love cuisines from all over the world, I was exposed to people from all over the world and I did all sorts of things that I never could have done in Iowa. I am sure Louisville will bring all sorts of new influences into my life. I will just have to be very careful to pronounce it like LOO-ah-vul. Definitely never say Lewis-ville. You might not survive it.
I think the central application service should be opening the application process in the next few days. I would click the link to the right of the page for the CAS every once in a while to see if the application has been updated to reflect the new year of applying. Also be sure to get your first 3 years certified by the ASPS. There is a link to the right of the page to them I think. Best of luck to this years applicants.
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