This is the story of my run at the Plastic Surgery Fellowship Match of 2005.


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Ten days to go.

Everyone is sure I am going to match but me. Its weird. I would hate to call it a premonition but I am worried based on a number of reasons. This is a totally different feeling than the one I had for the general surgery match. I was absolutely positive I would match exactly where I wanted for general surgery. I just don't know for plastic surgery. I've met so many extraordinary individuals that there simply can't be enough spots for everyone who deserves one. It is really going to be an aweful day for about 75% of us. I hope that I match but I wouldn't wish not matching on anyone else.

One thing is certain. I will keep trying if I don't make it this time. I have devoted my entire adult life to becoming a plastic surgeon and I am never giving up that goal. I may be the guy you see with like 13 fellowships but I am going to get there eventually.