This is the story of my run at the Plastic Surgery Fellowship Match of 2005.


Tuesday, December 14, 2004

MCG Interview Details

MCG was a little bit harder than U Miss to get set up. For one thing, MCG is in Augusta Georgia. There is no such thing as a direct flight into there unless you are Bill Gates. What most places do is fly you into Atlanta and your last leg is on board a Cessna or some other crazy small plane. Been there, done that, can't say I liked it. I flew into Augusta to interview for general surgery about 4 years ago, at about the same time of year. I couldn't get out of Augusta because the airport shut down. They don't fly in fog in Augusta. So I ended up having to stay overnight and I missed an interview at Michigan. Oh well, it was fate. But let me tell you it isn't going to happen again. The other thing about flying into Augusta is that it adds >$200 to the cost of your flight. What I decided to do was fly into Atlanta and rent a Yugo for $15. Its about a 2 hour drive from Atlanta to Augusta, so I just planned my flight times around a 3 hour drive allowing for a SNAFU. I also managed to get very cheap direct flights into Atlanta, so no messing around with layovers etc. Truly a choice travel plan and about $300 cheaper to boot.

We have a dinner at the Partridge Inn at 7:00PM on Friday January 15th. If it is in the main restaurant it will be extraordinary. The chef at the main restaurant was awarded the James Beard award. That is the American equivalent of the Cordon Bleu. The interviews will begin at 7:00AM and run until 1:00PM on Saturday.